Monday, May 9, 2011

Taking the 1st Step

Hello All,

I'm not sure who 'all' is, but just in case, here we go :)

This blog is to help me journal a life changing process of renewing my mind, changing my expectations and becoming the woman I know I can be. I have started this process many times before, but circumstances and other distractions always took my attention. Before you knew it, my goals and agenda was no longer on my 'to do' list and I was 'busy' doing other things.

I have learned that I must take action, consistent action, in my life to get the results I want. So, this is day one of my official journey. Not everything will be published here, but enough will be published to share my experiences and hopefully encourage someone else to achieve their goals.

Lets' go....put on your shoes and get to going :)
